Students walking on campus during the fall


ARPL 623 Affordable Housing

This class is designed to give the student an introduction to the major types of affordable housing being provided with funding or incentives by government agencies, and private initiatives. We will discuss the various types of populations and their housing needs including the homeless, working poor, seniors and the workforce or moderate income housing and the types of housing being provided for these groups. This class will give the student an introduction to Federal programs, including Section 8 Public Housing, HOPE VI, and rental housing using the Federal Low Income Tax Credit program. We will also cover the tools used by local and state governments such as Inclusionary Zoning, trust funds, public/private partnerships on publicly owned land, and down payment assistance. Other major trends that will be covered include gentrification, workforce housing and the foreclosure problem. We will use the Washington region as a case study, and focus on neighborhoods such as Columbia Heights and Silver Spring. The classes will include presentations by local practitioners and developers.
